God damn was that funny! He injected her rectum with milk, and she sprays it all over the camera! What a demented pervert. But, in a good way, because that is something I would do. "Hey honey! Where's the turkey baster and milk?" The broad is super hot, red stockings, very fuckable. Only thing missing in the video is the Money Shot. Cream pie delight at the end would have been fabulous.
He injected her rectum with milk, and she sprays it all over the camera!
What a demented pervert. But, in a good way, because that is something I would do.
"Hey honey! Where's the turkey baster and milk?"
The broad is super hot, red stockings, very fuckable.
Only thing missing in the video is the Money Shot.
Cream pie delight at the end would have been fabulous.